Muafakat Nasional is not exclusive to any party, says Takiyuddin


KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): Muafakat Nasional (MN) does not belong exclusively to one party or group, but should be open to everyone in the country who loves unity, harmony and justice, said PAS Secretary General Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan. (Photo).

Therefore, he said, the coalition between Umno and PAS could work with any other party that has the same vision facing the XV General Election (GE15), especially to ensure that there are no internal confrontations that could benefit others.

“MN should become the practice of musyawarah (decision making by consensus) to empower the agenda on Islam, Malays, bumiputra, especially, and Malays in general, within the framework of the country’s constitution to develop the country in an inclusive way, prosperity and ensure social justice, regardless of skin color and beliefs.

“The PAS trusts that to achieve this aspiration, all parties must explore the path of peace and accept each other, as well as respect each other,” it said in a statement on Thursday (December 31).

Prior to this, there have been rumors stating that PAS withdrew cooperation with Umno and support for the MN Charter.

Takiyuddin said that neither party should ask PAS to choose whether or not it wants to be with MN, as PAS was one of the main characters who designed and helped establish MN on the basis of the union of the ummah.

He said PAS stands firm in the letter signed with Umno on September 14 last year, which, among others, agreed to cooperate in the development of the Islamic and Malay narrative without denying the diversity of religion, race and culture as a central element of political stability. , racial harmony and peace of the country.

“By maintaining a strong commitment to the MN Grand Agenda, it is clear from a political and strategic point of view that there are no obstacles imposed for Umno to stay with Barisan Nasional (BN) or for PAS to join any coalition or cooperation. politics, “he added. – Bernama
