A San Diego ER nurse tested positive for Covid-19 eight days after being vaccinated


Since the Covid-19 vaccine was made available, some countries have already been vaccinating their patients. In most countries, the first are the first to receive the vaccine. However, there have been many reports of side effects and problems these receptors have faced.

Similarly, a San Diego ER nurse was reported to have tested positive for Covid-19, eight days after receiving the vaccine.

ER Matthew W. received the Pfizer vaccine on Dec. 18, according to his Instagram post.

He even added a humorous caption to his post that read, “I got my Covid shot! The 15 minutes after sitting with a bunch of people while health workers asked us how we were feeling made me think of an opium den. I’ll report if I start to grow a third arm. “

Little did he know, instead of “growing a third arm,” he actually contracted the COVID-19 virus.

On Christmas Eve, Matthew, who works at two different hospitals in San Diego, began to feel ill after working a shift in the COVID-19 unit.

It gave him chills and later he had muscle aches and fatigue.

Naturally, he drove to a hospital testing site the day after Christmas. It was later confirmed that he tested positive for COVID-19.

Although this came as a surprise to the world, according to ABC News, some health experts weighed in on the case and explained why this is not actually unexpected.

Dr. Christian Ramers, an infectious disease specialist at Family Health Centers in San Diego, said: “It’s nothing unexpected. If you work with the numbers, this is exactly what we would expect to happen if someone were exposed. “

Ramers explained that Matthew may have been infected with the virus before receiving the vaccine. But she also noted that even if Matthew contracted the virus after receiving the vaccine, it is still in line with what healthcare professionals know.

“We know from clinical trials of the vaccine that it will take 10 to 14 days for you to start developing the protection of the vaccine,” Ramers explained.

“We think that first dose gives you about 50%, and you need that second dose to get to 95%,” Ramers added.

As for Matthew, he’s been feeling much better since his symptoms appeared last week.

Matthew’s story also shows that even after receiving the vaccine, the pandemic is not going to change instantly. It is not that easy.

“You hear healthcare professionals being very optimistic that it will be the beginning of the end, but it will be a slow process, weeks to months as we launch the vaccine,” said Dr. Ramers.

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Also read: Malaysia is projected to have more than 6,000 daily cases of Covid-19 by March 2021 despite the launch of the vaccine

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