Those entering Perlis from red zones must undergo a risk assessment


Asymptomatic people are advised to self-quarantine.

KANGAR: People from Covid-19 red zones entering Perlis are advised to notify the Kangar health office to verify their health and undergo a risk assessment.

State Health Director Dr. Sirajuddin Hashim said people with symptoms should immediately go to the nearest government health clinics for treatment, undergo testing for Covid-19 and quarantined.

“If symptoms worsen, they will be referred to a hospital immediately, while asymptomatic individuals are advised to fulfill their social responsibility by self-quarantining and complying with Covid-19 SOPs,” he said in a statement here. . today.

He said that from Dec. 7 to Dec. 28, the Covid-19 Operations Room received 468 calls from people in the red zones entering Perlis, with 257 people instructed to self-quarantine at home, while 117 underwent to screening tests.

“About 70% of those who returned to Perlis from the red zones went to visit their families, while the rest went for work and vacations,” he said.

Sirajuddin said the state Health Department believes there were still people returning to Perlis from the red zones, but did not inform the Covid-19 Operations Room.

“Therefore, the people of Perlis, who are now the vanguard, must play their respective roles to ensure that the state remains a green zone.

“The head of each household must monitor the health status of his family.

“Please make sure that family members take care of personal hygiene and the home environment, maintain physical distance and seek immediate treatment if they have any symptoms, as well as avoid receiving visitors, especially those from the red zones,” he said.

As of noon yesterday, Perlis had a total of 46 new cases.

