Drug crimes: 327 police officers, personnel arrested from January to October


KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): Police arrested 327 officers and other police personnel involved in drug activities under ‘Op Duri’ from January to October this year.

Bukit Aman Narcotics Criminal Investigation Department (NCID) director Datuk Razarudin Husain said the arrests, based on intelligence gathered and complaints, showed a downward trend compared to the 566 people arrested on last year.

“The department always carries out various operations, including ‘Op Duri’, formerly known as ‘Op Blue Devil’, to curb the involvement of police officers and staff in drug abuse.

“Of the total, 18 people were arrested for drug trafficking, 74 for drug possession, 225 for a positive drug result in a urine analysis and 10 under the Special Preventive Measures (LLPN).

Razarudin said this year’s statistics were lower than last year when 40 people were arrested for drug trafficking, 99 for drug possession, 424 were detected as positive for drugs and three under LLPK.

He said the decline in arrests, also made during the enforcement of the Conditional Movement Control Order (EMCO), demonstrated that the police did not take lightly the involvement of their officers and staff in drug-related activities.

Razarudin said that if the cases did not involve integrity issues, but were due to disciplinary issues and were deemed inappropriate for the department, they would be transferred to other departments.

“I cannot deny that there are police and personnel involved in the sale of ketum, a crime under the Poisons Act, and we have received reports about it,” he said.

Razarudin said the police would take action by either charging them in court or transferring them.

“I need to set a good example. Only then will my subordinates feel that I am a good leader. If I have a luxurious lifestyle, they will know that something is wrong and that my salary does not match my lifestyle.

“I urge all my officers and staff involved in such unions to repent because when they are fired after 10 years of service, the government loses millions of ringgit.”

He said this was due to salary, grants awarded, and outside courses and assignments run by the government that were simply written off as losses because they were laid off.

Meanwhile, when asked what would happen to the seized drugs, he said the drugs would become evidence until the cases were resolved.

“When the medications are returned to the police, the department will carry out the disposal following the process approved by the Department of the Environment (DOE) based on the Environmental Quality Act of 1974.

“In general, the disposal is carried out by burning and is carried out by a company designated by the Ministry of the Environment,” he said, adding that the attendees would include representatives of other police agencies and the media. – Bernama
