Cuepacs Calls for Discussion to Address Covid-19 Health Leaders’ Subsidy Issue


KUALA LUMPUR: The Congress of Trade Unions of Public and Civil Services Employees (Cuepacs) convened a discussion session with the Ministry of Health, union and employee representatives on the subject of Covid-19 subsidy applications involving health personnel .

Its president, Adnan Mat, said in a statement yesterday that bilateral talks between employers and workers would solve the problem as a whole.

“The views and opinions of unions or employee representatives must be taken into account to ensure that the rights and welfare of front-line workers are well protected.

“Therefore, Cuepacs expects the Ministry of Health to duly review and consider facilitating the payment of the Covid-19 allocation. Improvements must be made so that border lines are not deprived of their rights, ”he said in a statement yesterday.

Adnan was commenting yesterday in a media report on the bureaucratic requirement and the conditions considered complicated for Health Ministry leaders to make claims.

Adnan also urged other government agencies and departments such as the Royal Malaysian Police, the Malaysian Armed Forces, Immigration and Customs Departments to cooperate on this matter and facilitate the payment of special assignments for their front-line personnel.

“The government-provided subsidy is a great moral boost. We should not dampen the spirit with bureaucracy, “he said.

On March 27, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, announcing the Prihatin Rakyat Economic Stimulus Package, announced a special subsidy increase from RM400 to RM600 for health workers such as doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel directly involved in the Covid-19 management and containment.

The government will also pay a monthly allocation of RM200 to military, police, customs, immigration, Civil Defense and Rela personnel involved in the implementation of the Movement Control Order. It will be paid from April 1 until the end of the pandemic. – Bernama
