MP SPEAKS | Can Umno have leaders with integrity again?


MP SPEAKS | Two recent news items attracted widespread attention. The first quoted BN Secretary General Annuar Musa as saying there was a conspiracy to undo Umno and BN’s “No Anwar, no DAP” policy.

The second quoted the chairman of Umno’s advisory board, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, who said such a policy cannot be set in stone.

Previously, the Umno high council member Puad Zarkashi had expressed similar views, that the motto is not always relevant due to changing political circumstances.

Meanwhile, Johor Umno Vice President Nur Jazlan Mohamed said that cooperation between the two enemies may not be a bad idea.

At a forum hosted by the National Council of Teachers yesterday, Razaleigh also said that Umno must return to power to keep Malaysians safe.

But can Umno go back to its founding decades, when party chairmen were known for their unquestionable integrity and honesty?

Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman had to sell his home in Penang to finance the running of Umno, while former CIMB Bank President Nazir Razak had recalled how his father, the second Prime Minister Tun Abdul Razak, had given his children a stern lecture on integrity and honesty when they asked for a swimming pool to be built in Seri Taman, the prime minister’s residence where they lived.

As for the third prime minister, Tun Hussein Onn, his integrity and honesty were legendary.

Umno lost power in the fourteenth general election on May 9, 2018 because he had betrayed the principles of integrity and honesty, from the days when the leader of Umno had to sell his house to fund party activities to the time when the leaders of Umno supposedly built palatial buildings. homes in ill-gotten gains from their public positions of trust and responsibility, turning Malaysia into a global kleptocracy.

The 1MDB scandal would never have happened under the supervision of Tunku, Tun Razak or Tun Hussein …
