Minister, miserable housing for foreign workers not new


YOURS | “It is public knowledge, so don’t expect to be surprised.”

Minister ‘shocked and embarrassed’ by workers’ miserable housing

PurpleJaguar0553: The problem has always been that capitalism focused solely on maximizing profits. They are not concerned with workers.

Human resources are simply treated like production machines, they are not treated like people. There is no respect or compassion, just the urge to get rich and richer and even more.

Our respective governments have not regulated the companies or ensured that they assume and fulfill their social responsibility in exchange for being granted the license to operate.

A government like ours, which practices a double standard full of people who are only interested in power and glory, will not address such injustice, as corruption is anathema to correct any mistakes, it works hand in hand with seekers of Profits. The higher the profit, the higher the dividend earned by those who indulge in corruption.

Too many interests are involved to ensure that the recruitment and employment of migrant labor continues apace. All these discoveries of the poor living conditions of the workers will soon disappear as new problems arise.

There is simply no will in the government for workers to be treated with compassion and respect. The laws that exist only support capitalism.

GrayImpala9653: Human Resources Minister M. Saravanan, this is just the tip of the iceberg. If it weren’t for the spread of Covid-19, you wouldn’t have known about it and as usual you will be defending these companies.

Remember, you initially defended Top Glove and then had to back down when there was a scourge of Covid-19 plus foreign NGOs taking up the matter.

You said you were surprised, in fact you will be even more surprised when you see the homes provided by other companies. Malaysian companies have a third world mentality.

Appum: Ashamed? Why are you not ashamed that the root cause of such a despicable state begins in the head? It is the big “C” that involves the main politicians and political leaders. This “cari makan” system flows down the line.

We have laws, we have federal and state enforcement at the local level, but they don’t do anything because everyone wants “cari makan.” So if top politicians, like one in a recent court case, are found guilty, why not also opt for those on the line?

As long as the big “C” is not resolved and punished as a capital offense with severe penalties, nothing will change.

And it must be done that the higher the position held, the harsher the penalty imposed. It is very easy for entrepreneurs to ‘kowtim’ (negotiate) when laws are broken. It’s public knowledge, so don’t expect to be surprised.

Iphonezours: Minister, I am surprised that you are surprised and do not realize that such conditions exist. This is the problem of our ministers, officials and bureaucrats, who are not in contact with the ground and the people.

They just sit in their offices looking at reports and waiting for updates from their officers, who in most cases paint a rosy picture.

His ministry and the authorities are also responsible for what has happened by not carrying out a sufficient application to guarantee compliance with the Minimum Standards of Housing and Services for Workers Act 1990 (Law 446) by employers. Get to work, people.

I think, therefore I exist: Minister, what is shocking is that it took you so long to realize that migrant workers have been living in hellish conditions for years. This has been going on even during its days when BN was in power.

This visit of his appears to be a public relations exercise to boost his party’s decadent image and popularity in the face of growing dissatisfaction with the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government. It is too little and too late.

You should have learned from the experience of Singapore, where migrant worker shelters were at the center of Covid-19 infections.

Annonnymous 080: What has been the result of the visit of the Department of Labor to the Top Glove shelters? Why are Top Glove factories allowed to operate in clear violation of the worker accommodation law? Pride should be more important than economy.

These superior officers must be charged, have their salary reduced, and hold a court in their

work visits to these shelters over the years. What did they inspect?

Just prevent the restart of these factories and you will have these workers housed in cheap hotels immediately.

And Justice for all: For those who criticize Saravanan, although I agree with most of you, and I also cannot find any love for this man, but keep in mind that these things have been going on for an eternity from BN to Pakatan Harapan and PN. Everyone is equally responsible for what you see today.

Most of the owners of these premises are unscrupulous businessmen (generally of a particular race), who impose conditions of slavery on other human beings. They get rich at the expense of others. Unions are not allowed. Workers have no say in their working conditions. Minimum salary. No days off. No paid sick leave.

The argument is that the economy cannot afford luxury or we will not be globally competitive. So you and I need to think carefully, not just condemn other people. Is this what we are?

New day: @Y Justicia para Todos, I agree with everything you have said. But the government has the ultimate responsibility to guarantee basic human rights.

They have ignored this for many years with full knowledge of what has been going on. Harapan’s 20-month rule was not enough to do much.

Minister, where have you been all these years? Everyone, I really mean everyone, knows what the living conditions of these workers are like. It’s a bit late to call yourself a human resources minister.

When did this terrible problem start? Many years ago, under the auspices of its not so great leaders of Umno, MIC and MCA. Who benefited from these workers? Some of your best friends this holiday season and their affiliates.

They really should spend time in jail for their guilt by allowing this to happen in the first place and then turning a blind eye for many years. Once you are done with the dirty factory accommodation you just need to visit all the construction sites and much of the plantation industry.

Sadly, this attack on basic humanity is endless. Make sure to make a change, permanently!

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