SDMC establishes a working group to help the Department of Health distribute the vaccine


Uggah speaking at the press conference as Dr. Sim (left) and Dr. Chin (right) watch.

KUCHING: The State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) is creating a task force to help the State Department of Health prepare for the arrival of Covid-19 vaccines to the state, said its president Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

He said the task force, which will be led by State Health Director Dr. Chin Zin Hing and former State Health Directors Dr. Jamilah Hashim and Datu Professor Dr. Andrew Kiyu, they will present a report within a month on the assessment of the readiness of Sarawak’s infrastructure in particular. in terms of logistics.

“They will make the recommendation to the state government about what are the logistics facilities that we have to prepare because Sarawak has a vast area of ​​land and we also have a lot of interior areas, so it can be difficult to access.

“We also take into account Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccines, which require cold storage facilities,” he said at a press conference here yesterday.

The chief deputy minister said the task force is set up so that the state is well prepared for the arrival of Covid-19 vaccines.

“When the vaccines arrive, we want them to reach all corners of Sarawak without problems.

“We don’t want any part of Sarawak to have no vaccines simply because we haven’t done enough preparation,” he said.

He also took the opportunity to thank the federal government for ensuring that
Sarawak will receive the Covid-19 vaccine.

“Our Chief Minister has also reported that the Covid-19 vaccine is provided to all Sarawak residents and our goal is for 100% of Sarawak residents to receive the vaccine,” he said.

Also present at the press conference were the Minister of Housing and Local Government Dato Sri, Dr. Sim Kui Hian, and the director of the State Department of Health, Dr. Chin Zin Hing.

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