Sabah suffers RM450 million in losses due to theft of water and electricity


KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah state government and related agencies have suffered losses of more than RM450 million following theft of water and electricity supplies since 2010, the State Legislative Assembly was reported today.

Senior Deputy Minister Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin (BN-Lamag) said that of the total, RM342 million were losses due to illegal water supply connections, while the rest involved theft of electricity supply.

According to the Sabah Minister of Public Works, the theft of electricity was largely due to illegal connections, especially in squatter areas, resulting in losses of RM 90 million, while 3,408 cases of meter tampering resulted in losses. of 24.7 million ringgit.

“This (illegal connection) must be stopped because it can cause interruptions in the supply of water and electricity for everyone,” he said in response to an oral question from Dr. Aliakbar Gulasan (Assemblyman Designated) who wanted to know the total losses incurred due to water and electricity. theft and the steps taken to fix the problem.

To address water theft, Bung Moktar said that the State Water Department has been taking actions in accordance with the provisions of the 2003 Water Supply Act, among other things, cutting illegal connections in an integrated manner, emitting compounds and creating awareness in the community.

Regarding the theft of electricity supply, he said, Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) has taken the approach of cutting off illegal connections, organizing public awareness campaigns and introducing the option of supply in bulk through Independent Energy Distributors (IPD ) that is being implemented in Sandakan and Labuan.

“To curb meter tampering, SESB has also collaborated with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to monitor and catch the masterminds behind meter tampering activities, as well as working with local media to raise awareness. – Called
