Truck driver accused of stabbing girlfriend and attempting suicide


KUALA LUMPUR: A truck driver was charged in Court of Sessions here today for allegedly stabbing his girlfriend and seriously injuring her, and for attempting suicide by drinking poison.

Chong Lai Ann, 46, has pleaded not guilty after an interpreter read the charges before Judge Mahyon Talib.

Chong was charged with voluntarily causing serious harm to his girlfriend, Hin Sak Wah, 58, using a knife under Section 326 of the Penal Code, which provides for a maximum prison sentence of 20 years and a fine or flogging in conviction case.

It is understood that Hin is still in a coma at Serdang Hospital.

Chong was also charged with attempting to commit suicide by drinking poison under Section 309 of the Penal Code which establishes a maximum jail sentence of one year or a fine or both if convicted.

The man, who was not represented, was charged with committing both crimes at a home on Jalan Kinrara 6B, here, at 4.24pm on December 12.

Deputy Prosecutor Nurliyana Mohd Jafri did not offer bail, as the first offense under that section cannot be bailed.

The court set January 18 to mention it again. -Called
