Those without interstate travel approval will be turned back, say cops


KUALA LUMPUR: Those who do not have police approval for interstate travel will be ordered to turn back at designated roadblocks, says Comm Datuk Huzir Mohamed.

The Bukit Aman CID director said only those who have approval via the Gerak Malaysia app or police stations would be permitted to travel between states.

“A total of 98 roadblocks have been set up at state borders nationwide to check travelers’ QR code on the Gerak Malaysia app or their manual approval of the police stations to travel from one state to another.

“Those who are traveling on designated dates should show the QR code when asked by police personnel.

“The code will be scanned for validity,” he said when contacted on Friday (May 8).

The police will perform inspections at any time or anywhere but for the purpose of interstate travels, such checks will be done at roadblocks, he added.

Asked about the sudden decision to allow land public transport and motorcycles to travel between states, Comm Huzir said the decision was made based on smooth traffic flow on expressways and federal roads on the first day of the interstate travel on Thursday (May 7).

“Taking into consideration the smooth flow of traffic, police decided to allow land public transportations and motorcycles for interstate travel.

“However, they must obtain the necessary approval first,” Comm Huzir said.

A total of 70,538 applications were approved by police for people to return to their homes from Perak, Johor and Kelantan on Friday. On Thursday, 32,485 in Kuala Lumpur were given permission to do so as well.
