Don’t jump to conclusions, Johor Sultan warns the public about M’sian’s wife’s wedding to the Indian hockey captain


JOHOR BARU: Johor Ruler Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar has advised everyone not to come to any conclusion or act prematurely against the Muslim woman from Malaysia who had a marriage ceremony with Indian national hockey captain Manpreet Singh Pawar in a Sikh temple in Punjab, India.

Her Majesty said the woman, Illi Najwa Saddique, was being tried by the media, although it has not yet been stated that she has denounced Islam.

“If we rush in our actions to punish her, then we are building a high barrier for her to return to our country, which would distance her family in Malaysia as well as her in India.

“I would like to warn the woman, who comes from Johor, that whatever action she has taken must receive the blessing of her parents and not go against the norms established by our Islamic faith,” he added.

Sultan Ibrahim said he was confident that the Johor Islamic Religious Department (Jainj) and the state Mufti Department would provide assistance to women to maintain their faith within the Islamic syariat.

However, she expressed her sadness at the news and asked Jainj to verify the woman’s status through her family members or the Malaysian embassy in India.

“I am confident that we will get the correct information related to the news as soon as possible,” His Majesty said in a statement posted on his official Facebook page here on Monday (December 21).

Sultan Ibrahim said that Islam is a religion full of advice and not about punishing people.

“Regarding the marriage of the Malaysian woman in India, which went viral on social media, it should be handled wisely as it not only involves the relationship between two religions but also two countries,” he added.

On Sunday (December 20), the Deputy Minister of the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Ahmad Marzuk Shaary said that they would call Illi once he returns to the country.

“We will only know the full story after we hear it from the woman herself,” he said.

He said authorities were still awaiting a full report on the Jainj Illi case.

“From the information we have received so far, the woman in question is still Muslim and has not received any request from her to change her religious status.

“We did not receive any request from her to marry abroad. From my readings of posts on social media, I understand that the woman is still Muslim and that the boyfriend (Manpreet) had converted to Islam last year, ”she said at a press conference after delivering aid to fishermen and farmers in the Panchor state constituency in Kota Baru on Sunday.

Illi, niece of Unity Minister Datuk Halimah Mohamed Sadique, generated controversy when she posted the news of her trip to India to marry Manpreet and when videos of her wedding in Punjab at a Sikh ceremony went viral.

Malaysians on social media questioned that she was given special permission to travel during the MCO, as well as whether it was right for her, as a Muslim, to participate in a Sikh religious ceremony.

Earlier on Sunday, in a statement allegedly written by Illi herself and shared by Halimah’s assistant, Illi stated that she has never changed her religion and remains Muslim.

She apologized for being ignorant and for having married Manpreet earlier through a nikah ceremony.

“I apologize for our ignorance. Manpreet had converted to Islam last year.

“I have never changed my name or my religion and my name will always be Illi Najwa Anuar Husin Saddique.

“We had our nikah on the morning of December 16, but we kept it private. The certificate will be obtained next Wednesday ”, said Illi.

He explained at length how the Indian media had made his wedding videos obtained from “sources” go viral and things have gotten out of hand.

“I am not happy with the whole process and he (Manpreet) had not agreed with all this. He didn’t want this because he knows the consequences, ”he said.

She also said that she had followed all the procedures for her wedding trips and did not get any special approval despite being the niece of a minister.

“I never published or advertised anywhere that I am Halimah’s niece. I didn’t want to harm or embarrass anyone in my family, ”Illi said.
