Flooded, but an elderly couple keeps their goats and ducks


More than 8,000 people in the flood-affected areas of Terengganu and Kelantan have been evacuated to relief centers. (Photo by Bernama)

KEMAMAN: An elderly couple, concerned about their goats and ducks, have refused to evacuate to an assistance center despite the fact that their home is flooded.

“It’s not that we don’t want to move, but we are concerned that our goats and ducks will be stolen,” said Kamsinah Tubin, 63, and her husband Mohd Yusof Sulong, 65, of Kampung Pulau Tempurung.

Kamsinah said they had already built a tall loft next to their home as a temporary shelter in case their home floods.

“Normally my house is not affected by floods, only the surrounding area. So there was no need to move. Who would take care of the goats and ducks if we moved? ”He told reporters who called his home during a check by members of the Kemaman District Police Rescue Team today.

Kamsinah started raising cattle 20 years ago and now has more than 50 animals in his care.

When asked about the food supply and other necessities, Kamsinah said that he had bought the items in advance as a precaution.

Kampung Pulau Tempurung Village Council Chairman Mohd Azam Ismail said that rescue teams were being harassed by the refusal of some residents, especially the elderly, to go to aid centers.

“At 3 am today, we tried to persuade an elderly couple to evacuate, but they were stubborn. Then suddenly, at noon, there was a phone call from these people asking for help because the wife who had diabetes had symptoms of hypoglycemia.

“There was another case of an elderly couple who asked for help to take their paralyzed husband to their son’s house because the road to their house was flooded this afternoon,” she said.
