Police ordered affidavits to be submitted on efforts to find Indira Gandhi’s daughter since 2014


Indira Gandhi with INGAT president Arun Dorasamy, who says that today’s court order is proof that the police had been “ reckless ” in failing to comply with the 2014 court order.

PETALING JAYA: The Ipoh High Court today ordered the Attorney General’s Office (AGC) to submit a comprehensive affidavit listing all steps taken by the police to arrest the ex-husband of kindergarten teacher M Indira Gandhi, Muhammad Riduan Abdullah, and to find his son daughter Prasana Diksa in the next three weeks.

Indira’s lawyer, Rajesh Nagarajan, said that the Ipoh High Court judge, Bhupindar Singh Gurcharan Singh Preet, ordered the AGC, on behalf of the police, to present the sworn statement that details all the actions taken since 30 of May 2014.

Prasana was taken by Muhammad Riduan Abdullah before converting to Islam in 2009, when she was only 11 months old.

In 2014, the High Court had cited Riduan for contempt of a 2010 custody order. The court also ordered his arrest unless Prasana was returned before June 6 of the same year.

The court also told the police to locate Prasana, with a direct order for the police to update Indira’s lawyers or the court on the developments of the case once a month until they found her daughter.

In statements to journalists after the hearing, Nagarajan said: “The judicial order clearly establishes that the police must present a sworn statement the first week of each month (to update Indira on the case).

“However, since May 30, 2014, the police have not submitted any sworn statement to the court and have not delivered Indira’s lawyers either.

“As of the date or order, exactly 79 affidavits have not been confirmed by the police. This means that the police owe Ms. Indira a total of 79 sworn statements, “he added.

Indira Gandhi Action Team (INGAT) chairman Arun Dorasamy said today’s court order was proof that the police had been “reckless” in failing to comply with the 2014 court order.

He added that Indira will initiate a process of contempt against the police in January.
