Top 10 news and newscasts 2020


SURVEY | It is a tradition that arrives at the end of December, Malaysiakini readers can choose the best and worst news of the year.

A once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, the fall of a historic reformist government, a time when the world is in the grip of fear rather than hope: 2020 is indeed an annus horribilis.

Like last year, we are leaving Malaysiakini Readers decide the top 10 headlines for 2020. There are 18 important news items listed, in alphabetical order, for this year’s vote.

Voting is done by showing your score for each item: ‘0’ is the lowest and ’10’ is the highest. You can give the same score to more than one item.

Ahead. Take one last look at 2020 before moving on to a better 2021.

News Creator of the Year

And don’t forget to vote for “News Creator of the Year” too.

A quick summary: a news creator doesn’t necessarily have to be the most popular individual.

He or she is someone whose actions are constantly making headlines in the news and, in doing so, affects the course of public discourse and creates an impact on Malaysian politics, for better or for worse.

We have selected 22 candidates for you to choose from. Again, you can give the same score for more than one person.

Voting ends at midnight on December 24, and results will be announced for two consecutive days beginning on December 29.

To vote for ‘Top 10 News of 2020’ and ‘Newsmaker of the Year’, please Click here.
