Former Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong to undergo radiotherapy


Former Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong said he was detailing his medical problems to encourage others to get regular checkups and detect diseases like cancer early. (AFP photo)

SINGAPORE: Former Singaporean Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong will undergo radiation therapy after a biopsy found that a nodule in the larynx had squamous cells.

In his latest Facebook update, Goh, 79, said he had been to the hospital for the umpteenth time in the past four weeks, first to remove a kidney stone and then to biopsy a suspicious nodule in his larynx.

“The nodule had squamous cells. Fortunately, after excision, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of the neck and computed tomography (computed tomography) of the chest showed no traces of these bad cells.

“Still, I have to have radiation therapy to make sure all the cancer cells are killed.

“There will be 20 sessions over four weeks. What a way to celebrate the holiday season! ” he wrote.

Goh noted that she was sharing her medical episodes to encourage everyone to get regular or annual health checkups.

“For those who may experience a lump in the throat and a change in voice, see an ENT doctor. Ignorance, delay, and denial can be costly.

“Find and treat cancer early. The 5-year survival rate is greater than 90%. Do it after it has spread and the survival rate drops below 30%, ”he wrote extensively.

Goh, using his initials GCT, began his post by saying “just like the weather these days, it never rains, but for me it cries heavily, medically.”

It ended with “my stormy rains will pass. I hope to have a clear blue sky before the Chinese New Year and more good years thereafter. Season’s greetings and good health to all ”.
