Malaysia has more Covid-19 cases than China


COVID-19 | The Ministry of Health reported 1,295 new cases of Covid-19 and seven deaths today.

The cumulative case count in Malaysia has reached 87,913, which is more than the 86,770 cumulative cases reported by China, where the virus is believed to have originated.

The Klang Valley reported the most new cases (55 percent) followed by Sabah (20.7 percent) and Johor (8.1 percent).

While most of the new cases in the Klang Valley were traceable to groups or close contacts of confirmed Covid-19 carriers, 20 percent of the new cases in this region were detected through “other examinations.”

“Other Exams” is a general category for voluntary examination, symptomatic examination, health worker examination, community-led examination, national airport examination, pre-wedding examination, those returning from Sabah, the examination prior to surgery, -Reviews of departure and departure of a ship and workplace controls, among others.

Main indicators:

  • Active cases: 14,751 ↑ (236 more than the previous day)
  • ICU patients: 113 ↓ (5 more than the previous day)
  • Intubated patients: 53 ↓ (3 less than the previous day)
  • Deaths: 7

[For 14-day cumulative new cases count at mukim (locality) level, click here. For details of new cases by clusters, click here. There may be delays to updates by the respective state health departments.]

[More to follow]
