Flight passenger numbers dropped to 26.6 million this year – MOT


KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Aviation Commission (Mavcom) estimates that the number of passengers on the flight has decreased between -72.8 percent and -75.6 percent this year, following the impact of Covid-19.

Deputy Minister of Transportation Hasbi Habibollah said that based on Malaysia’s passenger traffic scenario projected this year, the percentage would see a decrease in passengers to between 26.6 million and 29.7 million compared to 109.2 million. passengers last year.

He said that airlines are expected to take three years to fully recover from the impact of the pandemic, but this would depend on the Covid-19 situation inside and outside the country.

“In preparation for the opening of the air transport sector, the government through the Economic Stimulus Package has agreed, among others, that Malaysia Airport Holdings Berhad (MAHB) will reduce landing and parking fees for aircraft through negotiation and fixing mechanisms. prices, “he said during a question and answer session at Dewan Rakyat today.

He said this in response to a question from Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid (BN-Padang Terap) about the mechanism the ministry is drafting to help restore low-cost airlines.

In addition to reducing landing and parking fees, he said the ministry had listed several recommendations to the Economic Advisory Council to address the problem of unemployment among airline workers and to help airlines.

Recommendations include granting an exemption limit to the number of industry employees eligible for financial assistance through the Salary Subsidy Program, cash incentives to increase ticket sales, and other discounts for public services. – Called
