Trump Says Attorney General Barr Resigns As Electoral College Seals Biden Win


WASHINGTONUS President Donald Trump tweeted Monday night that Attorney General William Barr will resign before Christmas, reports the Xinhua news agency.

The news came moments after Democrat Joe Biden officially surpassed the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House after California cast its 55 Electoral College votes, the most in any state, putting the former vice president in the top.

“I just had a very nice meeting with Attorney General Barr at the White House … According to the letter, Barr will be leaving just before Christmas to spend the holidays with his family.” Trump tweeted.

“Our relationship has been very good, he has done an excellent job!” said the president.

Assistant Attorney General Jeff Rosen will serve as Acting Attorney General following Barr’s departure, Trump said, adding that Richard Donoghue, a former United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, will take on Rosen’s role as the second official in the Department of Justice.

“As discussed, I will spend the next week concluding some remaining important matters for the administration and will depart on December 23,” Barr wrote in his resignation letter.

Earlier this month, Barr revealed that the Justice Department had found no evidence of widespread voter fraud that would alter the election results, representing a public contradiction of Trump’s claims of voter fraud.

Over the weekend, Trump criticized Barr for reports that the attorney general kept information about a federal investigation into Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, in public view ahead of the November election.

Barr has served as Trump’s second attorney general since February 2019.-Called
