Harapan needs decisive leadership, but Shafie is not the person


“I never gave them hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell. “

– Harry S Truman, Former President of the United States

COMMENTARY | Does anyone have any idea what is going on with the leadership of Pakatan Harapan?

If you’re not a toxic Harapan supporter, you, like the rest of us on the real planet, are wondering how a construct like Perkatan Nasional manages to keep screeching when the opposition is formidable, if only because the current regime he is in a political quagmire. with the allies he has to appease all the time held by several Umno potentates in dispute.

This is pure comedy gold, right here. We have the BN General Secretary, Annuar Musa, chattering about the allocation of seats for the upcoming general elections, referring to Perak’s Umno coup as a “framework.” This means that Bersatu was screwed in Perak and they will be back in the next GE.

Meanwhile, Umno Vice President Mohamed Khaled Nordin has dismissed all this talk about a grand coalition and reminded everyone that such a “coalition of coalitions” was “meant to harness the strength of the largest party, Umno.” In other words, Umno intends to ruin Bersatu in the next GE.

Annuar also warned against efforts to dismantle the “No Anwar and No DAP” policy by alluding to mysterious figures, which only serves to show you the kind of mess Umno is in. Forget the mystery …
