PM Muhyiddin: Government will order more Covid-19 vaccine to cover 60-70 percent of Malaysians | Malaysia


Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin gives a speech at the Deepavali 2020 celebrations of the Gambir State Constituency District, December 13, 2020 - Bernama pic
Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin gives a speech at the Deepavali 2020 celebrations of the Gambir State Constituency District, December 13, 2020 – Bernama pic

TANGKAK, December 13 – The government plans to increase its purchase of the Covid-19 vaccine to meet the immunization needs of around 60-70 percent of Malaysians compared to 30 percent today.

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said this was because some nations had bought higher doses than their population.

“As for Malaysia, we already have 30 percent. I have instructed the Minister of Health Datuk Seri, Dr. Adham Baba, together with Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar (Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation) to negotiate and increase it from 30% to 60 or 70%.

“Until now, this has been the advice of the Ministry of Health if it can be increased to that number, then more people will be protected from the Covid-19 virus,” he said in his speech at the Gambir state electoral district celebrations, Deepavali 2020. , here today. .

Muhyiddin, who is also a Gambir assemblyman, said providers have also been asked to expedite delivery of the vaccine, which is scheduled to arrive in March.

“(Whether the vaccine is) effective or not, let’s not make people mad at the Prime Minister (for not buying enough) that others bought, so I am doing the same too and we will quickly buy more,” he said.

“I also told the ministers to inform the suppliers to speed up the delivery of this (matter) is of the utmost importance,” said the Pagoh MP.

On November 24, the government, through the Ministry of Health, signed a preliminary purchase agreement with the pharmaceutical company Pfizer to obtain 12.8 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines to meet the immunization needs of 20% or 6 , 4 million Malaysians.

Two days before that, an agreement was also signed with the COVAX facility to meet the immunization needs of another 10% of Malaysians.

Meanwhile, the prime minister also ordered the reopening of Covid-19 temporary hospitals in view of the high number of new cases in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Negeri Sembilan, Johor and several other areas.

“This means that while the measures taken by the government have been quite effective compared to other countries, we still have to overcome the pandemic.

“We have not been able to flatten the curve and, according to projections, this could take a long time,” he said.

Muhyiddin said that he has been presiding over National Security Council meetings on Covid-19 since the first day he arrived as prime minister without adequate rest.

“Today also without rest. As long as people face danger in the form of Covid-19, I will not rest. I will continue working, managing Covid-19 and the country’s economy, ”he said.

Meanwhile, Muhyiddin said the government was conducting a comprehensive study on the number of Malaysians who had fallen below the poverty line as a result of the pandemic.

“The income of the poverty line has risen to 2,208 ringgit and when it rises, many will fall into the B40 group … the poor and the poorest.

“When Covid-19 happened, many were unable to work or do business, even if it was just stagnation … Revenues fell and companies also stopped hiring,” he added. – Bernama
