Weighing the pros and cons of a Umno-DAP partnership


One Umno leader has speculated that a link between Umno and PKR, as well as DAP, “may not be a bad idea.”

PETALING JAYA: A partnership between Umno and DAP, if it occurs, could go a long way toward cleaning up the toxic political arena and helping improve ethnic relations. But such a link is unlikely to occur, according to a former academic at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

Talking about such an association may simply be a “wayang” (farce), says another political scientist, James Chin.

Recently, the deputy director of Johor Umno, Nur Jazlan Mohamed, had proposed an alliance between Umno and PKR, as well as with DAP. He said “it may not be a bad idea” due to the need for a more multiracial government.

Azmi Hassan, a former UTM member, said an administration dominated by one race was not good for the country.

Azmi Hassan |

Collaboration between Umno and DAP, with the parties representing the rural and urban districts, and the Malay and Chinese communities, respectively, would result in race taking a backseat and politics taking center stage.

“But judging from the recent political crisis in Perak, it is unlikely that there will be a collaboration between the two in the short term, as Umno chose to work with PPBM and PAS, and the plan to work with Pakatan Harapan failed,” Azmi said.

He added that the Umno and DAP grassroots had strong feelings about their parties working together.

More likely a union between Umno and PKR. “On the other hand, if PAS teams up with DAP in Pakatan Rakyat, anything is possible.”

James Chin.

However, Chin from the University of Tasmania’s Asia Institute was less optimistic, dismissing any possibility that Umno and DAP could work together.

“I think this is all ‘wayang’ (a sham). I think Umno doesn’t want to be with Perikatan Nasional, but wants to dominate him, and by saying they have options, Umno is trying to put pressure on PPBM.

“It is unlikely that Umno will work with PH because some in the party cannot accept Anwar (Ibrahim), and perhaps more cannot accept DAP.”

He also said that the rank and file of both parties would not like the idea, and that Umno’s Malay-centered struggle would clash with the DAP’s “Malaysian Malaysia” ideology.

“A tie will not benefit either party since they are not compatible, you will end up having a dysfunctional government. Essentially, this is what happened in PH administration, as PPBM and Umno share the same DNA. “
