A two-term limit is needed for top government posts, Putra says


The head of Parti Bumiputera Perkasa Malaysia (Putra), Ibrahim Ali, said his party wants to stop the leakage of government funds.

KUALA LUMPUR: Parti Bumiputera Perkasa Malaysia (Putra) has decided to focus on two issues in its political battle: playing a check and balancing role in the implementation of government policies and pushing for a two-term limit for all top positions in government .

Its chairman, Ibrahim Ali, said these were among the motions tabled at the party’s first annual general meeting (AGM) for the 2020-2023 term.

These motions will also serve as the party’s manifesto for the 15th general election (GE15).

“Putra will be firm in ensuring that the implementation of national policies and laws does not contain elements of leakage, bad practices, corruption or abuse of power, not only among political leaders but also among public officials.

“We will also continue our fight to limit the tenure of prime minister, deputy prime minister, ministers, mentoring and state executive councilors to just two terms.

“This is to ensure checks and balances, leading to a clean and upright government,” he told reporters after today’s AGM.

Only 250 senior party leaders attended the meeting to comply with SOPs to curb the spread of Covid-19.

In addition, Putra also agreed to fight for the creation of a new law to protect the sanctity of Islam as a religion of the federation and to defend the sovereignty of the institution of the Malaysian rulers.
