Discreet birthday for Selangor Ruler


KLANG: The ruler of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, will celebrate his 75th birthday this year in a low-key way, unlike in previous years, where the order of the day was a grand investiture ceremony followed by a garden tea party. .

In a press release issued by the Royal Selangor Office, the Sultan said that there would be no ceremony this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

He added that the investiture ceremony will be held at a future date depending on the pandemic situation at that time.

Not forgetting the front-line physicians, Sultan Sharafuddin said he would award awards in appreciation for their dedicated service.

“I would also like to take this opportunity to convey my gratitude to all the doctors, nurses, hospital staff, and front-line personnel who have tirelessly carried out their duties to treat those infected with Covid-19, as well as to prevent the spread of this pandemic. .

“Given your sacrifices, I have decided to confer on you various state awards and medals.

“Hopefully, with the awards, the morale of the leaders will rise to keep up with their duties with dedication,” he said.

In the statement, the sultan noted that 2020 had been a challenging year due to the health crisis plaguing the world.

“Added to our fear and anxiety is the fact that the enemy we face, which is not visible to the naked eye, has infected 67 million people worldwide to date and deaths have exceeded 1.5 millions of people.

“These figures will increase day by day and it is worrying that it is not yet known when this pandemic will end,” he said.

He also expressed deep concern about the nation’s economy, which has resulted in job and income losses, adding that he is very sympathetic to the difficulties faced by his subjects.

“I always worry and monitor the problems of the people while constantly reminding Selangor Mentri Besar and my government to solve their problems (of the people) and to find ways to help them overcome the economic difficulties they are facing,” added the president. . .

He urged political leaders to go to the ground and identify people’s problems and give them the necessary help.

The Ruler also hopes that the people will continue to be patient and calm in facing the calamity that has affected everyone.

“I appeal to my Muslim subjects to always pray and perform solat hajat and to my non-Muslim subjects to also pray according to their respective religious beliefs,” he said.

Sultan Sharafuddin also recommended that everyone continue to be disciplined and live by the new rules, as well as strictly adhere to the standard operating procedure stipulated by the Ministry of Health and relevant authorities.

“I hope that the risk of infection by Covid-19 can be reduced and subsequently eradicated from our country,” he added.
