Action taken against 4 Kelantan policemen for marrying without permission


KOTA BHARU: Four members of the Kelantan police contingent have been disciplined this year for marrying without getting permission from their superiors, said DCP State Police Chief Shafien Mamat (pix).

He said it is a crime for any police officer and staff to marry without obtaining the permission of the department heads.

For the Kelantan contingent, permission is required from the chief of state police or his deputy, he said when contacted by Bernama today.

“Usually if any member of the police staff is planning to marry, then we will do a background check if the prospective spouse has a criminal record,” he said, adding that five staff members were found to have committed a similar crime last year. past.

“If the person is found to be a criminal or on the wanted list, it will definitely cause problems. If necessary, we will reject the request, ”he said.

Shafien added that the four cases (marrying without permission) were among 53 crimes related to police personnel registered in the state this year.

Other crimes are participation in criminal activities (11 cases), drugs (9), corruption (seven), absenteeism (two) and various other crimes.

He said that of the total number of reported cases, 14 cases have been subject to disciplinary action.

He also emphasized that the police will never commit to such crimes and anyone involved will have to bear the consequences if proven guilty.

Disciplinary actions that can be imposed on the staff and officials involved include firings, demotions, pay cuts, fines, reprimands and reprimands, he said. – Called
