Another DNAA for a VIP accused of corruption


YOUR OPINION | “If Tommy Thomas was still the attorney general, this would never have happened.”

MACC will investigate a ‘new development’ in the case of the Ku Nan graft

Sixth generation immigrant: A Discharge That Does Not Equal To An Acquittal (DNAA) appears to be a trend in our nation.

However, all DNAAs, if we investigate them further, are the end result of an incomplete investigation or of incompetence between one of the enforcement and prosecution departments of our administrative branches.

Barring true causes and extremes, a DNAA should be the last resort in any judicial process and is rarely granted.

Are we seeing signs of a general system failure or some form of corruption in one or all of the departments? Is there justice for all parties?

Kim Quek: If Tommy Thomas was still the Attorney General (AG), this would never have happened.

This is the third case of shameful discharge of high-profile corruption cases at the request of new Attorney General Idrus Harun, who was appointed by Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.

The first was Riza Aziz | (son of former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak), followed by Muse Aman |, former chief minister of Sabah, whose 46 positions are backed by strong evidence.

At the rate these things are going under Muhyiddin, Malaysia’s justice system and rule of law would sink into the gorge in no time.

EM: Many Malaysians naively assumed that the 2018 electorally toppled regime was perhaps the most corrupt with 1MDB, KWAP, high-level cover-ups, collusion, and layoffs, all of which made world headlines.

And they also believed that all those marginalized or sanctioned then were victimized just because they opposed corruption.

How wrong they were!

With the DNAA series since sneaking into Putrajaya through the back door, it is clear that Muhyiddin will surpass his now doomed boss and current Most Corrupt Trophy holder to emerge as the new undisputed champion.

Freethinker: The “giver” is convicted and fined. The supposed “recipient” receives DNAA due to “new developments.” This sums it up here.

Jabba the Hutt: This is another novelty in our Bolehland: the alleged recipient of bribes goes free while the bribery, after confessing and pleading guilty to giving the bribe of RM1 million to the alleged recipient, was fined RM 1.5 million.

Now, if the attorney general concludes that the defendant did not receive the gratuity, then the bribe must appear in court on the charge of perjury (lying to court).

Two come out: “Referring to the same case, SPRM (acronym in Bahasa Malay for MACC) is made to understand that there have been news raised by the defendants, as well as a new report made against a witness in the case, which requires the attention of the SPRM”, the MACC said in a press release.

“Made to understand”? So where was the new report made? At the post office?

Annonnymous 080: “He noted that the court’s DNAA ruling does not mean that Tengku Adnan (Tengku Mansor) has been acquitted because he could still be charged at any time if the Attorney General’s Office grants the license.”

It’s a real shame. It just aggravates the perception that Perikatan Nasional (PN) is slowly but surely releasing each and every kleptocrat.

The judge certainly did not believe this argument and as such had only awarded DNAA. How could such a simple case suddenly have a new twist?

Don’t be surprised if the star witness will now “confess” that he was forced to give such evidence.

OrangePony5652: The AGC can also let all corrupt MPs go with impunity in “new developments” as they are sorely needed to shore up the instability of the PN government.

Two great institutions of the country have been contaminated by two brothers (AG Idrus and Speaker of the House of Representatives Azhar Azizan Harun) who, out of their position, status, privileges and greed, have done the Malaysians a disservice.

BlueShark1548: I have serious concerns about how criminal cases are developing. It seems like it could take years, which is not normal, and witnesses and documents can become a problem later on.

So, unlike other citizens, deputies and aduns (state representatives) are treated differently because they have to attend parliament and state assemblies and cases have been be postponed?

The courts themselves are busy and operate on tight schedules, so if we are to set proper dates for a trial, judges must be free, defendants must be free, and lawyers must be free. Can you imagine trying to fix the dates of the hearings?

Then consider new developments and research.

MPJY: We are regressing. Now we have a credit rating of BBB +. At the current rate, we will continue to regress.

Do we need to ask ourselves why? DNAA is easier. Anything else is hard work. “Now everyone can get DNAA” will be the motto of the country.

Etc: Five years ago, Muhyiddin was asked to resign after criticizing Najib’s handling of the abuse of public funds.

I felt sorry for him at the time because he did the right thing. Those were one of the darkest days when the AG was replaced and the head of MACC resigned.

It seems as if we have returned to where we were five years ago.

Odysseus: This case has gone beyond the wildest imagination. It’s like a murder captured on CCTV with a dead victim and a fingerprint gun, but the defendant is released at DNAA.

Did the victim suddenly live again?

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