The UN should help solve the Rohingya refugee problem at its core


KUALA LUMPUR: The United Nations (UN) and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) should help solve the Rohingya refugee problem at its core.

The president of the MCA’s international communications and diplomacy office, Tee Ching Seng, said that therefore, every human rights organization should not resort to various humanitarian arguments when holding the countries of destination of the refugees accountable.

He said that no country would be able to provide aid incessantly, apart from the Covid-19 pandemic that has spread throughout the world today stretching the resources of each nation.

Even the Rohingya refugee problem involving ethnic conflict in their home country is beyond Malaysia’s ability to handle it, it said in a statement last night.

“The UN should help the government of Bangladesh improve the facilities and security of shelters for the Rohingya, who number more than a million (people) in the Cox Bazaar, while taking firm action against human traffickers.

If the UN believes that the future of the Rohingya people returning to Myanmar is bleak, then it should locate them in stages in some developed countries, as well as in the countries that signed the 1951 Refugee Convention, he said.

“The UN and the Myanmar government must develop a comprehensive and effective mutually beneficial plan for the Rohingya people to return to Myanmar when the UN guarantees their safety.

“These Rohingya refugees should be free to return according to their own wishes, and the UN should assist the Myanmar government so that they can at least have employment upon their return,” he said.

The Rohingya refugee problem has recently become a hot topic in Malaysia when an organization claiming to represent 200,000 Rohingya people in this country is said to demand that they be granted certain rights, including citizenship.

Also during the Covid-19 outbreak, many Rohingya refugees were seen trying to be smuggled into Malaysia.

On April 17, the Royal Malaysian Navy and the Royal Malaysian Air Force managed to prevent a ship carrying 200 Rohingya refugees from entering the country. – Bernama
