Allow vaccinated travelers to enter without quarantine, says Najib


Najib Razak says Malaysia can become the first country to open its borders without having to quarantine visitors.

PETALING JAYA: Former Prime Minister Najib Razak has asked Putrajaya to allow travelers who have already received the Covid-19 vaccine to enter Malaysia without having to self-quarantine.

In a Facebook post, he said that priority should be given to entrepreneurs who are interested in visiting, investing or doing business in the country.

“Indonesia announced that it has received 1.2 million Covid-19 vaccines this week and will receive another 1.8 million next month. Some other countries have already started vaccinating their citizens, although Malaysia is a bit slow.

“In light of this development, I hope that Malaysia can become the first country in the world to open its borders without quarantining visitors who have been vaccinated (and cannot infect or be infected), especially from countries where the Covid-19 situation is under control.

“If this is announced to the world and implemented immediately, it can help our economy and the tourism industry, at a time when most countries are still not receiving visitors,” he said.

Najib explained that the logic behind this was that there were no longer travel restrictions on the peninsula and that returnees from Sabah no longer had to self-quarantine.

“So why should we restrict visitors who have been vaccinated from countries like Australia (nine cases yesterday), Brunei (zero), New Zealand (zero), Taiwan (23), Hong Kong (95), China (18 ) and Singapore (five)? “he asked.


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