Malaysia’s tourism performance registers negative growth of 78.6% from January to September 2020


PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia continues to register negative growth for the performance of domestic tourism in general, due to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has affected the tourism sector globally.

In terms of tourist arrivals to the country, Malaysia received 4,299,419 tourists from January to September 2020. By comparison, Malaysia received more than 20.1 million tourist arrivals for the same period last year, showing a marked decrease in the 78.6%.

For the same period, Malaysia received a total of RM12.6 billion, a decrease of 80.9% compared to RM66.1 billion received last year. Similarly, per capita spending showed a 10.7% decrease from RM3,289.30 in 2019 to RM2,938.40 this year.

The top ten tourist source markets continue to be dominated by Singapore (1,543,627), Indonesia (710,118), China (403,055), Thailand (372,075), India (155,448), Brunei (135,848), South Korea (119,364), Japan (73,891), Australia (72,369) and the Philippines (65,601).

Negative growth has been observed for tourists from all regional markets, namely the short-range or ASEAN market (-78.8%), the mid-range market (-80.0%) and the long-haul market. travel (-74.0%).

In terms of the number of hikers, or daily visitors to the country, Malaysia recorded a total of 1,733,101 arrivals from January to September 2020, a decrease of 74.9% compared to the 6,905,378 hikers who visited Malaysia in the same period. from last year.

The continuing decline in the number of arrivals is due to the closure of international borders since March 18, which is part of the government’s proactive decision in its efforts to curb the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia.

As a result of the enormous impact of the pandemic on the world community, other countries are not spared the effects on their tourism performance either. According to data from the Asia Pacific Travel Association (PATA), neighboring ASEAN countries including Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and Indonesia saw a similar decline of more than 70 percent due to certain travel restrictions imposed to combat the pandemic in the respective countries. -Called
