Malaysia Urges World To Fight Covid-19 Vaccine Misinformation Head-On


KUALA LUMPUR: Nations must unite to fight Covid-19 vaccine-related misinformation and anti-vaccination propaganda as the world prepares national vaccination plans to contain the pandemic, Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said.

He said that as much as Covid-19 presents itself as an invincible enemy, the dangers of misinformation are real and present as a setback to the progress that had been made.

Speaking in his remarks at the 31st special session of the United Nations General Assembly in response to Covid-19 on Friday, he said that as soon as news of a vaccine breakthrough made headlines around the world. , misinformation about forced vaccines, DNA alterations and falsifications the accounts circulated.

“Global fears have been intensified by the immediacy of 24-hour news cycles and endless streams of information, both accurate and false, on social media.

“The main reason for this campaign? To mislead and undermine confidence in medicine when it matters most and ultimately prolong this pandemic. It’s simple: misinformation costs lives, especially as we are preparing national vaccination plans for our people, ”he said.

The meeting was held online due to the ongoing pandemic.

He said that public awareness of the need to vaccinate is crucial to prevent a climate of fear and division during the implementation phase.

“Negativity, as a result of propaganda, must be tackled head-on. It would be a tragedy if, in our enthusiasm, dangerous supporters who campaign against the whole concept of vaccination were allowed to prosper, risking harmful influence on the masses and threatening millions more lives, “he said.

Hishammuddin also emphasized Malaysia’s position that the Covid-19 vaccine, once developed, must be accessible, equitable and affordable for all.

And on that note, he said Malaysia remains committed to working together with the United Nations and all its member states to meet the common challenge while remaining vigilant to overcome this deadly virus.

“A single virus has claimed the lives of more than 1.4 million people worldwide and has plunged us into a global economic recession.

“It has resulted in a health, economic and social crisis, a potent mix that, if not managed, could reverse decades of progress we have made together at the United Nations,” he added.Called
