Court allows MyWatch boss to stay in jail


On November 27, the Temerloh High Court ordered R Sri Sanjeevan to serve his sentence in Kuantan after rejecting his appeal on a blackmail charge. (Photo by Bernama)

TEMERLOH: The High Court here today allowed the request of the chairman of the Malaysian Crime Watch Task Force (MyWatch), R Sri Sanjeevan, for a stay of execution of his three-month jail sentence until his appeal has been decided. against his sentence.

Judge Hassan Abdul Ghani, however, ordered Sanjeevan to post a bond of RM35,000 with two guarantees and present his passport, if any, to the court until the case is resolved.

“The applicant must also report to the Semenyih Police Station in Kajang, Selangor, every week until the hearing of the case in the Court of Appeal is completed and obtain the permission of the Kajang District Police Chief before leaving the district.

“If the applicant violates any of these conditions, his bond will be canceled,” he said.

Sanjeevan was seen smiling at his family members in the public gallery of the court, upon hearing the decision.

Attorney S Preakas, who represented Sanjeevan in Wednesday’s proceedings, informed the court that the Court of Appeals had set January 14 for the hearing of his client’s appeal.

In the process, Assistant District Attorney Law Chin How represented the prosecutor named as the defendant in the lawsuit.

In August 2018, Sanjeevan had been sentenced to three months in jail and fined RM7,000 after being found guilty of blackmailing a businessman seven years ago.

He was charged with committing the crime by demanding 1,500 ringgit from the victim at the risk of not being able to continue the business. The crime was committed at 9:45 p.m. on July 1, 2013 at Jalan Dagangan 8, Triang Commercial Center, Bera, near here.

At that time, the Magistrates Court received Sanjeevan’s request to postpone his prison sentence and ordered that the bail be increased from RM3,000 to RM6,000. However, the fine was paid.

On November 27, the High Court here, after hearing Sanjeevan’s appeal against his conviction and sentence, confirmed the Magistrates Court’s decision. He rejected his request to postpone his jail sentence because he intended to appeal to a higher level.

The decision resulted in Sanjeevan being sent to Penor Prison in Kuantan, about 130 km from here, to begin serving his sentence the same day.
