Dr. M offers to be a witness in the lawsuit against Azmin


Dr. Mahathir Mohamad says he is “willing to help” in the Gombak voters’ lawsuit against their deputy, Mohamed Azmin Ali.

PETALING JAYA: Former Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad has offered to witness in court the lawsuit brought by various Gombak voters against his deputy, Mohamed Azmin Ali.

In a Facebook post, Mahathir said that the demand letter filed by the plaintiffs referred to the Sheraton Move amid the political upheaval in February and the formation of the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government.

“I see the courage of people to question the credibility and integrity of an MP like Azmin as a reflection of a mature democracy.

“I am willing to offer myself as a witness in court if my statement is needed. I’m ready to help, ”said the Langkawi MP.

Mahathir said that he himself had spoken about some of the issues raised by the plaintiffs in their demand letter, adding that the courts were the best forum to confirm the allegations raised in the lawsuit.

He said elected representatives must understand that the people elected them to be their voice in Parliament and to lead them, not to fight for power or to serve their own interests.

Ten Gombak voters filed a deception and breach of fiduciary duty lawsuit against Azmin last week, asking for a statement that the Chief Minister of the Economy, as trustee, owes them a fiduciary duty as an elected representative.

The plaintiffs also want a statement that Azmin committed the crime of deception against them and that he had violated his constitutional oath under Article 59 (1) read in conjunction with Annex 6 of the Federal Constitution.

In his claim statement seen by FMT, the bone of contention for the plaintiffs is that Azmin made a statement that he was running for election in 2018 to overthrow the then-Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition and rid Malaysia of corrupt officials. .

They said that Azmin caused the collapse of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government in February and joined the PN administration, which included BN and individuals that Azmin himself had acknowledged were “credibly accused of corrupt practices.”

The plaintiffs said Azmin, the former vice president of PKR, had committed to complying with the PH 2018 election manifesto, to address, among others, BN’s crimes when it was the federal government.

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