UK expert agrees with M’sian’s post-mortem report


A forensic pathologist appointed by the UK coroner agreed with Malaysia’s post-mortem report on the cause of death of Irish-French teenager Nora Anne Quoirin: duodenal ulcer, perforation and bleeding as a result of starvation and physiological stress .

In his six-page witness statement, 63-year-old Dr Nathaniel Roger Blair Cary noted that based on his own examination of the adolescent’s body in the UK on August 28 last year, and the findings of his counterparts from Malaysia, he also found no signs of sexual assault on the teenager.

“As for the findings in the internal organs, there was no underlying natural disease that caused or contributed to death,” he said, adding that, however, he was unable to do more due to the state of decomposition of the body, especially when he performed the exam. 15 days after the body was found.

“I have seen the copy of the Malaysian pathologist report by Dr. Siew Sheue Feng and Dr. Hanif Mahmud (both forensic pathology experts), that there was a full examination. I was satisfied that there was evidence of duodenal ulceration, perforation and bleeding based on a detailed description provided. “

Cary, who is the 41st witness in the investigation to determine Nora Anne’s cause of death, had this to say when he testified on the 20th of the proceedings before Coroner Maimoonah Aid. Yesterday’s process continued online.

He said that initially, when examining the teen’s genitals, it was not possible to exclude sexual assault as he was decomposed.

“However, my more detailed examination of the labia majora did not show any evidence of bruising and the subcutaneous tissues were well preserved,” he added.

No positive evidence of sexual assault

When asked by Deputy Prosecutor Ahmad Sazali Omar, who is serving as coordinator of the investigation, if this finding indicated that there was no positive forensic evidence of sexual assault as indicated in Malaysia’s post-mortem report, Cary agreed.

“I cannot exclude it from my examination alone, but if one adopts the Malaysian pathologist’s report and in my opinion the examination was very thorough, I agree that there is no positive evidence,” he said.

Ahmad Sazali: If there was an element of foul play, would he have found it on Nora Anne’s body?

Cary: In any case, many kinds of signs of foul play will be evident, but it seems to me that the leading cause of death was like what the Malaysian pathologists discovered, which was intestinal bleeding.

Ahmad Sazali: I mean physical aggression, defensive injury.

Cary: My examination was very limited due to the state of decomposition of the body, but the early pathologists were in a much better position to give an opinion on this.

Nora Anne, 15, disappeared on August 4, the day after she and her family arrived in Malaysia for a two-week vacation at a resort in Pantai, Seremban, about 60 kilometers south of Kuala Lumpur. .

On August 13, 10 days after her disappearance, her body was found near a stream in a ravine, about 2.5 km from the complex where she and her family were staying, after a massive search.

The preliminary post-mortem report indicated that the death of the adolescent with a disability had no criminal element, and she was confirmed dead due to gastrointestinal bleeding due to prolonged hunger and stress.

The investigation will continue on December 7.

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