Japan’s crown prince approves his daughter’s plan to marry


TOKYO (The Yomiuri Shimbun / ANN): Crown Prince Akishino turned 55 on Monday (November 30) and during a press conference held prior to the occasion, he said he approves of his eldest daughter Princess Mako, 29 , marry your de facto fiancé. Kei Komuro, also 29.

Since the marriage was postponed, this was the first time the Crown Prince expressed his approval of the marriage, although he did not say when the wedding would take place.

At a press conference two years ago, he said that the wedding ceremony cannot be performed, “unless there is a situation in which many people are happy (with the marriage) and happy for them.”

He had in mind the financial problems involving the Komuro family and that the Komuro take the necessary measures.

“If they have a firm resolution (to marry), it must be respected,” said the Crown Prince this time, citing a line from article 24 of the Constitution, which says that “marriage will be based solely on the mutual consent of both sexes.” .

Crown Prince Akishino added: “It is not a situation where many people feel convinced and happy about marriage.”

When asked about his thoughts on whether the Komuro had taken the necessary action, the crown prince said, “Have they done nothing? That cannot be said.”

Still, he went on to say that “it is necessary to make it take visible form”, thus expressing his request for the Komuros to make a detailed explanation on the subject.

The crown prince also said at the press conference that “marriage and engagement are different.”

When asked about the schedule ahead, he said, “I’ll think about it later.”

He did not say whether engagement rituals would take place.

Princess Mako and Komuro got unofficially engaged in September 2017. In February 2018, they announced that they would be postponing their marriage until 2020.

On November 13, when the marriage was postponed again, the princess issued a written statement describing the couple’s feelings, saying, “Marriage is a necessary choice for us to live a life with our feelings in mind.”
