The court orders PDRM and three other people to present a defense statement in Indira Gandhi’s RM100mil lawsuit


KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): The High Court on Monday (November 30) ordered the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) and three others to present their defense statement on the lawsuit brought by a kindergarten teacher, M. Indira Gandhi against them for their breach. to find and bring back her youngest daughter, who was abducted by her former Muslim convert husband, Muhammad Riduan Abdullah, 11 years ago.

Indira’s lawyer, Rajesh Nagarajan, when contacted, said that all the accused, namely the Inspector General of Police (IGP), the PDRM, the Ministry of the Interior and the Government of Malaysia, received the order to present their statements defense before or before December 2.

“The plaintiff (Indira), for her part, was ordered to present her response to the defense statements before or before December 16. The next handling of the case was set for December 30, “he said after handling the case before the Superior Court. Registry Undersecretary Idamasliza Maarof held via e-review on Monday.

All the defendants were represented by federal attorney Safiyyah Omar.

In her claim letter, Indira affirmed that the IGP, as the first accused, had deliberately and negligently ignored the Federal Court’s mandamus order and did not investigate or take the appropriate measures to return her daughter, Prasana Diksa.

She stated that the IGP in its press release dated January 27, 2020, said that it knew the whereabouts of her ex-husband, formerly known as K. Patmanathan, 51, and that she was trying to achieve a “happy ending” for him. applicant.

“Based on the statement, it clearly showed that the first defendant did not arrest Riduan (Patmanathan) and did not return Prasana to me despite knowing his whereabouts,” he said.

The woman also claimed that all of the accused had played their role in making decisions or ordering the PDRM to execute the arrest warrant against Riduan as ordered by the Federal Court on April 29, 2016.

He claimed that the behavior of all the defendants had directly caused their separation from their youngest daughter, who is now 12 years old, to continue to this day and that their behavior also caused Riduan to flee.

Requests RM100mil in general, aggravated and exemplary damages, as well as a statement that the first defendant had committed the offense of lack of crime in public office, and the second, third and fourth defendants were also vicariously responsible for the offense of non-compliance committed by the first defendant.

Indira and Patmanathan were married on April 10, 1993 and had three children.

However, he said, on March 11, 2009, the man converted to Islam and changed the religion of his three children to Islam and that on September 29, 2009, he had also obtained custody of the three children from the Ipoh Court. Syariah.

The plaintiff said that she then filed a request for full custody of the children that was granted by the Ipoh Superior Court on March 11, 2010.

However, Riduan took Prasana away by force after the court ordered her to hand over the children to their mother.

The couple divorced on August 8, 2012.- Bernama
