President-elect Joe Biden suffers broken foot


NEWARK, Del. (Reuters) – President-elect Joe Biden suffered minor fractures to his foot while playing with one of his dogs and will likely have to wear a protective boot for several weeks, his personal physician said Sunday.

The incident occurred on Saturday, Biden’s office said in a statement, and the 78-year-old Democrat visited an orthopedist Sunday for X-rays and a CT scan.

Doctors initially thought the former vice president had simply sprained his ankle, but ordered a further exploration of the injury.

A “follow-up CT scan confirmed small fractures,” said Biden’s personal physician, Kevin O’Connor, in a separate statement distributed by Biden’s office. “You will likely need a walking boot for several weeks.”

After defeating President Donald Trump in the November 3 presidential election, Biden will be the oldest person to take office when he enters the White House on January 20. Allies and opponents are likely to keep a close eye on your health.

Trump, who has not admitted defeat in the election and is contesting the results in court, wished Biden a speedy recovery. “Get well soon!” Trump said in a tweet.

(Reporting by Simon Lewis in Newark Delaware and Jason Lange in Washington; written by Raphael Satter. Edited by Peter Cooney, Daniel Wallis and Diane Craft)
