Anwar under pressure to meet or make way for younger leaders


YOUR OPINION | Let the truth be the judge. Honestly, Anwar doesn’t have the numbers …

Anwar called on the allies to let the budget pass in the first vote, promises to fight at the committee stage

Direct talk: I hope that the leader of the opposition Anwar Ibrahim knows what he is doing. So far, it doesn’t seem like it is.

If another one of his strategic stunts fails, it will have a negative impact, once again, on his already weak leadership skills.

He has been crying wolf too many times, building expectations and not keeping his promises.

IndigoTrout2522: Whether Pakatan Harapan’s decision not to call for the block vote is a good tactical measure or not is not as relevant as what the rakyat is perceiving.

He showed lack of communication, division and confusion. Harapan should have called a meeting with his MPs to discuss the matter to make it a united decision.

You should learn from this lesson right away and honestly, it is really bad. All your deputies must demand this before the next vote. They seem to be a bunch of newbies.

That said, no one should jump to conclusions just yet. DAP leader Anthony Loke had clearly explained the reason for not calling a block vote.

If it is your strategy, then that is fine. They must have felt that the opposition did not have enough votes to defeat the budget in its first round.

The budget process is still going on in Parliament.

I think, therefore I exist: On a day when the government of Perikatan Nasional (PN) could have been overthrown, Anwar, you do a trick like this.

It seems that both you and the former prime minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, are not really fit to rule the country.

The rakyat does not want the regime to rule the country. What part of ‘Do No Want’ do you not understand?

We are disappointed even with the DAP. Use your common sense for the common good of the people and not for just one person. Sigh. We are done with you in opposition.

GoldenGiraffe4932: I am with Anwar. It would have been criticized by the government and the rakyat if Harapan had rejected the measures to help the rakyat announced by the finance minister.

The real test will be on Monday where the vote will take place at the committee stage.

Malaysia Bharu: Anwar’s recoil is more like a ‘wayang’. Does the opposition have the numbers to make a difference at the committee stage?

From what we understand, the speaker has set a limit of half a day for Parliament functions and also the number of MPs present citing Covid-19 as an excuse. Again, will you allow block voting? What if you opt for a voice vote?

From what we have seen, the corrupt regime will do everything possible to advance the ministry stage. The insensitive and biased speaker can use his power to suppress voting and wipe out the budget at the committee stage as well.

Frank: Shouldn’t people have contingency plans all the time? Plan A. Plan B. Plan C.

Truly in Malaysia, risk assessments and risk management are not an integral part of things. But this has to change, and now look at what is happening.

Malaysia, time and time again, they – no, we – have failed them.

Anony: What would we do if we were the leader of the opposition?

1. Beat the budget, force an election that results in the death of more people from Covid-19 and they will blame you.

2. Allow the budget to go through the first stage and try to lock it into the committee stage, but all the urbanites scold and yell at you.

Moon cake (2eggyolks): When people suggested that Anwar be the next prime minister, many of us agreed.

Not so much that we trust him or believe in his abilities, but rather out of desperation.

We are like a losing soccer team and Anwar is the only forward on the bench who can play right now.

Just a minute on the field and in the game, he has scored an own goal. What a disappointment.

May he remain prime minister on hold for life.

OrangePony5652: Let the truth be the judge. Honestly, Anwar doesn’t have the numbers to deny the budget.

If he had objected, he would openly lose to the PN as he knew that the support of those corrupt politicians in Umno who are awaiting prison terms is no longer on his side and that would be a huge slap in the face.

He is buying time to prolong his quest for the post of prime minister in the hope that there will be a change in loyalty if Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin does not comply with the demands of those corrupt Umno MPs in the coming weeks.

He sees a flash of light flashing on the back door.

Head hunter: Anwar is a missing case. He was unable to exercise his power when it was offered to him on a silver platter. Back door or not, Muhyiddin looks good.

If Muhyiddin starts distancing himself from PAS and Umno, moving closer to the opposition, and projecting himself as a prime minister for all, he might have a good chance of staying until the next election.

The reality is that no one can match it right now. Neither Mahathir nor Anwar.

Malubossku: It’s about time Anwar stepped down and allowed someone younger and more aggressive to take over the leadership of PKR.

For the love of Malaysia: Some people are winners and some are just losers.

You only have this chance to seize the moment. If you can’t, quit and let others who are better take over. Personally, I think Anwar’s time is up.

Let’s go. The country must be governed with new faces and capable leaders. Younger and better.

For me, even Azmin Ali, without the video scandal, is much smarter than any MP in Malaysia besides Khairy Jamaluddin.

Mujahid: I hope you’re kidding about Azmin.

FairMalaysian: Umno had no choice but to support the budget because most of its demands had been met.

Rejecting a budget that involves the front line is not a good thing. These people have put their lives on the line for our well-being, and voting against the budget can draw people’s ire.

I believe in Anwar. I don’t think it’s a twist. Rather, it is a masterstroke. Getting to the details at each committee level will be a pain for the PN government and for every minister.

Losing the vote count at each stage will amount to a loss of confidence. Let’s get on with the task of scrutinizing the budget.

OrangeJaguar9341: It would have been reactionary and irresponsible to simply reject the greatly modified budget without having had a chance to examine it and without being sure of its voting numbers.

Finance Minister Tengku Zafrul Abdul Aziz shouldn’t have been able to change the budget up to this point at the last minute, but he did.

At the committee stage, the real work begins, which is expected to lead to a rational, responsible and forceful decision on December 17 (final vote on the budget).

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