Rakyat will save himself with ‘own money’ in the 2021 budget


YOURS | ‘They will have to use their EPF savings to help themselves …’

After additional gifts were announced, the 2021 budget passes the first vote

Vijay47: After all that talk of fire and brimstone, the parliamentary session on Budget 2021, at least in the first stage, ended with as much noise as a jet of water.

As usual, the biggest idiots are obviously us the public; We never learn from history entrenched in stone, we still march to the slaughterhouse full of hope.

All the Thursday afternoon tea party revealed was that receiving your own money is supposedly the best gift of all, and just offer a few goodies and our useless MPs will gobble it up. No, that is not a typo.

It turns out that it seems that the oldest profession in the world is not the other, but politics.

Constitutional Supremacy: Mahfuz Omar of Amanah had requested a block vote on the budget. Only 13 deputies He stood up to support him. But the support of 15 was required. Therefore, the Pokok Sena MP’s proposal fell short.

What were the PKR and DAP members doing? Why didn’t they support Mahfuz?

Where are the 30 deputies from Umno of the opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim? There is information that some of the PKR had supported the Supply Law. Even Anwar doesn’t seem to have control over his own party.

It’s not about losing the vote, but about Pakatan Harapan’s lackluster performance. It seems that Harapan should look for a new leader. Now it is very ineffective. Harapan couldn’t even take this opportunity to allow the change.

RDX: @ Constitutional Supremacy, the problem is that this is a checkmate budget for Harapan MPs, especially non-Malaysian MPs.

If they did not support it, Perikatan Nasional (PN) would go to the city saying that the DAP and the gang did not do it because this budget is for the Malays. Or all the media headlines would be that Harapan did not respect the Agong by voting against the budget.

Therefore, everyone was silent and we will have to wait for the next elections.

Income: Only 13 out of 109 opposition deputies opposed the voice vote? PKR, DAP, Amanah, you have failed the rakyat.

This was his only chance to redeem himself and stop the chaos that Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin is causing. This really shows that we need to purge all current MPs.

All are useless except for these 13 who tried to curb the budget. I am going to become independent from now on.

OrangePony5652: PN played a good hand of cards by neutralizing the opponents in Umno at the last minute, agreeing to the moratorium and the one-time withdrawal of the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) of RM10,000.

Harapan leaders were certainly surprised when additional millions were promised to fishermen, farmers and avant-garde, albeit vaguely.

The stage is set for the next battle at the committee stage where every budget proposal in every ministry will be questioned and voted on.

I hope this last minute strategy by Harapan leaders makes sense and the opposition will emerge victorious on December 17 (when the budget goes to the final vote).

P_Moms: Well, MPs have shown their true colors.

After an exaggerated week, the opposition MPs equipped with their rhetorical blaze showed their fierce disapproval of the uneven allocations to Jasa (Department of Special Affairs), but ultimately, none had the gall to stop their approval at this stage of the vote. .

I suppose at this point I will be comforted by the fact that this is not the first time, nor will it be the last. The parliamentarians, especially the representatives of the opposition parties, have let us down.

Coconut: Looking at the situation now, even if the budget is rejected and the NP government falls, there will be great unrest with no one leading and forming a new government. It will be a big mess.

An election will be a disaster. And an emergency will put the country in a spiral of greater uncertainty.

Anyway, there is no point in talking. I just hope that the opposition can do something by taking this position to support the approval of the budget.

Anonymous_47029368: In the expansion of EPF Account 1 withdrawals, between having no food on the table now to feed your family or future retirement requirements, the choice is obvious. Anyway, it is your money.

Some are asking the government to give away free money instead, which is actually forcing all rakyat to give money as you have to remember that government money is actually rakyat tax money.

Sun: Only nuts will praise a proposal to increase EPF recalls. These are hard-earned savings intended to finance old age. Early withdrawal will result in low or no financial provisions after withdrawal.

Instead, interest-free loans should be provided for those in need and cash transfers to the really difficult cases.

Hero: What would be the total expected withdrawals from EPF this time after further relaxation today? Has anyone the figures?

This is like asking retirees or near retirement, along with their hard-earned money from the EPF, to support the workforce.

Where will EPF get the cash flow? Borrow from the government?

Commoner: In fact, how is the withdrawal of EPF an advantage? Basically, one hand surrenders to the other, with insufficient retirement savings as a “reward.”

Provide a universal basic income, that is good. But expecting that kind of forward thinking from this government is futile.

Anonymous54: The rakyat will have to use their EPF savings to help themselves and the PN government called it government aid …

Freethinker: PN, don’t make yourself comfortable. The budget can still be defeated in the next two rounds of voting. No one will show their cards until it really matters.

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