NUFAM calls on the government to absorb laid off airline workers as the vanguard


KUALA LUMPUR: The National Union of Flight Attendants of Malaysia (NUFAM) has asked the government to consider absorbing laid off airline workers as avant-garde into the Ministry of Health (MOH) to help curb the spread of Covid-19.

Its chairman, Ismail Nasaruddin, said that although the 2021 Budget approved yesterday at the policy level has allocated RM 50 million to provide training and placements for 8,000 airline employees in Malaysia, it is still not enough to ensure the survival of the affected.

He said the important thing right now was to make sure the group managed to get a job and had a monthly income to survive.

“If they go through the training program, they may be paid an allowance of RM 10 or 20 per day. That is not enough, especially for those who have lost their income.

“Perhaps the government can review the issue by absorbing the airline workers as the first line in the Ministry of Health, since most of them have been trained to provide first aid,” he told Bernama.

Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri M. Saravanan was quoted as saying that a total of 95,995 workers who contributed under the Employment Insurance System (SIP) were laid off as of November 13.

Of that total, he said 40,766 of the taxpayers were involved in the aviation, hospitality and tourism sectors.

Meanwhile, former flight attendant Mohd Hanif Salim, 28, who has been out of work since last June, said that many of his friends who suffered the same fate as him have now ventured into business and the insurance industry. .

Although the government’s plan to provide training and courses to those who lost their jobs was a good initiative, it was not a guarantee that they would obtain employment.

“We need to find a job to survive. For now, we will do our best to survive, ”said Mohd Hanif, who now helps his brother run a business selling cooking gas cylinders in Kuantan. -Called
