Private kindergartens outside CMCO areas may reopen, MOE says


PETALING JAYA: Private kindergartens registered under the Ministry of Education have received the go-ahead to start operating immediately, but only if the location where they are located is no longer or is no longer subject to the motion control order conditional (OLS).

“The ministry has decided that private kindergartens under our purview, in states and areas where the conditional MCO has ended, as well as places not subject to the conditional MCO, will be able to resume operations,” the ministry said in a letter. view by The star.

The letter, issued on November 26, indicated that the content of the letter should be made known to all officials in charge of private kindergarten affairs, in the ministry, state education departments, and education offices. from District.

“This notice is effective as of the date of issuance of this letter and is subject to the expiration date of each state or area’s conditional MCO, which will be decided by the National Security Council (NSC) from time to time. “said the letter signed by Deputy Director General for Education (School Operations Sector) Adzman Talib.

The letter reminded private kindergartens that they must comply with the Ministry’s School Operation and Management Guidelines in the new regulations, as well as the standard operating procedures established by the NSC and the Ministry of Health.
