‘Public officials focus more than 2,000 investigations’


KUALA LUMPUR: More than 2,000 investigative documents have been opened to investigate allegations of corruption, abuse of power and misappropriation of public officials over the past five years, said Prime Minister’s Department Minister Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan (pix).

He said the investigations were carried out between 2016 and September 2020.

“The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is tasked with assisting government ministries and agencies to examine their systems and working procedures to ensure that there are no opportunities available that could lead to corruption,” he said in response. to Datuk Abdullah Sani Abdul Hamid (PH-Kapar).

Abdullah Sani had asked for the latest statistics on corruption offenses related to public officials and the measures taken to curb the problem.

Takiyuddin said that 139 government agencies have been in talks with MACC to implement the Corruption Risk Management (CRM) initiative and 40 government agencies have done the same by having an Organizational Anti-Corruption Plan.

Every government agency should have tools such as CRM and an Anti-Bribery Management System to fight corruption, he said, adding that the government is committed to fighting corruption, improving integrity and practicing good governance.

He said the government has launched a series of anti-corruption initiatives to combat corruption.

“In an effort to root out the damage that corruption can do, the government has included anti-corruption elements in the academic system and public institutions of higher education.”

This is in line with the National Anti-Corruption Plan to introduce a mandatory university course at the undergraduate level that emphasizes human relations and the implications for the environment, he said.

Takiyuddin said that under the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009, it is clear that any person or party, operating alone or in a group, who commits any offense as set out in Section 16, will be deemed to commit an act. of corruption.

“It doesn’t matter if they are members of the public, officials or political leaders.”

He was answering a supplemental question on whether the government would expand the scope of oversight of top government leaders.

An amendment under Section 17A of the MACC Act stipulates a corporate liability clause by which a business organization can also be held guilty if any of its employees and associates commit corruption for the benefit of the organization, he added.
