Glove’s best hostels aren’t the only ones in terrible shape


YOUR OPINION | ‘The minister must have been bandaged during the first visit …’

Minister finds Top Glove shelters in terrible condition, promises action

Pegasus: Why just check Top Glove? Go and check out all the other worker shelters run by the other manufacturing companies. I’m sure the Human Resources Minister M Saravanan will find conditions more abominable, perhaps even worse than Top Glove.

Our migrant workers are treated so badly by their employers, but when one of them complained, and Al Jazeera reported it, he was jailed and far away to Bangladesh. All because the government refused to admit that our migrant workers are mistreated in Malaysia.

Now see what has happened. Diseases are spreading among them because their employers do not take care of them and treat them humanely.

Our labor department seriously needs to be encouraged. Saravanan needs to do more as a human resources minister.

WhiteHare7559: Saravanan and her friends in the cabinet, does this mean that your ministry did not know about the housing conditions of migrant workers, or is it just a face-saving statement to cover up their incompetence?

What about the “accommodation” of workers at all construction sites, factories, street vendors, etc.? They live in deplorable makeshift huts posing as homes.

All this so their employers can enjoy big bonuses and their wives can adorn themselves with Cartier products.

New day:Defects“To” terrible “in the space of four months. The hostels were terrible too. Now that we have a Covid-19 outbreak among foreign workers, you have no choice – you can no longer continue with the ‘cover-ups’.

Saravanan, so you were a fierce advocate for Top Glove against damning international reports and sanctions.

It’s so typical here – hiding and deflecting our serious shortcomings of basic human rights for these imported workers. Once you figure it out, you present a completely different story.

This terrible quality accommodation problem has been around for years and has been reported for many years as well. Resolving this problem is not the sole responsibility of Top Glove; It is a combined solution of government and private company.

The government made it easy to import workers and then turned a blind eye to their disgusting conditions after their arrival. You enabled this current crisis.

These people are human first and foremost. I know of cockroaches that are better treated.

Hrrmph: Isn’t it interesting that in July there were only deficiencies in the shelters that can be fixed, but four months later, it is in “terrible” condition?

And after the well-being of Top Glove workers has come to the fore around the world, the company reportedly hired independent consultants on the subject.

One cannot help but suppose that the minister must have been blindfolded during the first visit, or so incompetent as not to know what he is saying.

Public transport is better than roads: Finally, are you realizing the issue highlighted by Al Jazeera a few months ago?

Either way, congratulations. You just proved that Al Jazeera documentary film about the conditions of detention of migrants is true and goes beyond what ordinary Malaysians might know.

YellowShark2197: American investigators had criticized this company, but some politicians were adamant about defending them at that time.

This is what happens in many factories and businesses in the country. They pay for peanuts and provide horrible accommodation and such a bad work environment that many locals just don’t want to work there.

Law enforcement officers do not act because we all know what happens between officers and employers.

BlueShark1548: Singapore verified and tested all its foreign workers and their shelters. Where conditions in the shelters were poor, they improved.

Actions taken by the Singapore Ministry of Health resulted in a large increase in reported Covid-19 cases, but the results of their actions are that the pandemic is now contained.

Malaysia took the politically correct course of not stirring the hornet’s nest and had low numbers for our CEO of health to look good.

However, it was inevitable that the DG would have to deal with the problem of foreign workers. Now that we face the problem, Covid-19 has spread to more foreign workers as well as local ones.

This is the result when politicians interfere with what our healthcare professionals should do.

Low-class pawn: 1) It made billions in profit but treats migrant workers like garbage. Is there no basic human decency?

2) US authorities raised red flags over Top Glove’s treatment of migrant workers, but no action was taken by the relevant local ministry.

3) The virus has spread among migrant workers in Singapore for months, but our authorities have not taken proactive measures with our workers.

Now that the virus situation is out of control and suddenly Saravanan wakes up and “goes around.” What a comedy of errors, and typical responses that come too little too late.

Coconut: Yes, this is the usual response from politicians. Never change; This is all part of our culture, only to get worse. They all knew it, but who cares?

Only when there is a problem, there will be a little drama and ‘wayang’ (program). Once the dust settles, go back to the old days. These people are useless.

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