942 industrial facilities found to pollute the environment during police raids


BANGI: A total of 942 industrial facilities were found to have committed environmental pollution offenses, of which 0.2% were repeat offenders, said Environment and Water Minister Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man.

It said enforcement actions were taken against these facilities under the 1974 Environmental Quality Act during the ‘Operasi Gempur’ conducted by the Department of the Environment (DOE) since earlier this year.

Tuan Ibrahim said 2,956 law enforcement actions were taken from the raid operation until September 18.

These included the issuance of 881 directives, 2,005 composite notifications involving RM4.01 million in fines, 37 equipment seizures, suspension of the license of four premises, issuing a ban order for one premises, and opening 28 investigative documents to be take legal action. he added.

“In its operations, the DOE is focusing on local or causes of pollution including complaints made by the public, as well as repeat offenders,” he told the media when he participated in the ‘Operasi Gempur Selangor 2020, in the Bangi industrial area yesterday.

He said that the operation also focused on facilities or sources of contamination at upstream water intake sites, facilities that cause high levels of contamination, those that produce large amounts of scheduled waste, or those located in areas with contamination problems. environmental.

“They will also continue to take severe measures against any neighborhood that has caused the pollution of the river. The commitment of all parties is important to ensure that environmental quality is not affected despite the rapid industrialization and development that is taking place ”, he added.Called
