732 new cases, the death toll for two weeks in Sabah reaches 55


COVID-19 | The Ministry of Health registered 732 new cases of Covid-19 as of noon today with six more deaths reported.

Leading indicators in brief:

  • Active cases = 7,827 ↑ (16th consecutive day, a new record)
  • Patients in intensive care = 102 ↑ (seven more than the previous day)
  • Intubated patients = 31 ↑ (two more than the previous day)
  • Deaths = 6

Of the six deaths, five were in Sabah and one in Labuan.

Sabah has recorded 55 deaths in 14 days.

Of the case numbers assigned to the six victims, they were recently diagnosed with Covid-19 positive.

The five victims in Sabah were numbered sequentially, suggesting that they died before or shortly after being diagnosed.

The details are as follows:

  • ‘Patient 22,756’, Malaysian woman, 71 years old, Semporna Hospital.
  • ‘Patient 22,757’, Malaysian male, 65 years old, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kota Kinabalu.
  • ‘Patient 22,758’, Malay woman, 65, Duchess of Kent Hospital, Sandakan
  • ‘Patient 22,759’, Malay woman, 71 years old, Semporna Hospital.
  • ‘Patient 22,760’, foreign male, 27, Duchess of Kent Hospital, Sandakan.
  • ‘Patient 22,943’, Malaysian male, 46 years old, Labuan Hospital.

The death toll from Covid-19 in Malaysia is currently 199.

[More to follow]
