47 religious institutions in JB ordered to close for two weeks


JOHOR BAHRU: 47 private Islamic religious institutions in Johor Bahru, which have not yet registered with the Islamic Religious Department of Johor (JAINJ), have been urged to temporarily close their institutions, for 14 days, as the district has been declared as Covid-19. Red zone.

The chairman of the State Islamic Religious Affairs Committee, Tosrin Jarvanthi, said the institutions include tahfiz centers, private religious schools, madrassas and pondok, and were ordered to close from today until November 14.

“Some of these 47 institutions are in the process of registering (with JAINJ).”

“We therefore hope that the 47 institutions will adhere to the guidelines set by JAINJ, otherwise the department will not hesitate to take action against them,” he told reporters after inspecting the Maahad Johor, following Johor’s statement. Bahru as Covid. – 19 zone of the red zone, today here.

Tosrin said that a total of 372 students from Maahad Johor have left the shelters and returned to their places of origin.

Meanwhile, Tosrin said that the mosques and surau in the district are still open and that all religious activities continued as usual.

However, he stressed that the management of mosques and surau must comply with the standard operating procedures (SOP) established by JAINJ.

“So far, there are no recent instructions to close the mosques or surau, while the number of parishioners is still a third the size of the mosques or surau.

“However, in the event that a positive case of Covid-19 is detected in a mosque or surau, and after obtaining instructions from the Ministry of Health, we will take appropriate measures to curb the spread of this virus,” he said. – Called
