47% of patients with Sabah Covid-19 contract the virus from asymptomatic cases


KOTA KINABALU: About 47% of Covid-19 patients in Sabah have had close contact with asymptomatic cases during the early stage of the infection, said Sabah’s director of health, Datuk, Dr. Christina Rundi.

She said that these cases, from one to 72 years old, did not have chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

“In addition to the 315 positive cases reported so far in Sabah, 60 of them are sporadic cases detected by screening tests conducted against those who have just returned to Sabah or by screening tests conducted at home.

“About 12% of Covid-19 positive cases in Sabah are students,” it said in a statement today.

In this regard, Dr. Christina said that all students returning to Sabah must be quarantined before they are allowed to return to their families, in an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Dr. Christina said she was aware of the grouses expressed by the parents about the government’s decision to quarantine their children who returned to Sabah from their respective campuses.

“However, the most vulnerable groups are children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with chronic diseases due to a poor immune system, and these groups are very different from the campus community, which is largely made up of of young people with a strong immune system, “he said. . – Bernama
