34-year-old woman from Sibu, latest death from rabies in Sarawak


Dr. Noor Hisham said an investigation found that the area where the victim stayed was near the garbage disposal site, where there are many dogs roaming freely. – Stock Photo

SIBU (Oct 22): A 34-year-old woman from Sibu has become the latest victim in the state to succumb to rabies this year, says Director General of Health Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham.

In a press release today, it said the victim was admitted to Sibu Hospital on October 12 due to weakness in both legs for five days, before being admitted to the ward.

“The victim died on October 18 at 11:30 am and was diagnosed with rabies encephalitis.

“It was confirmed that she was infected with the rabies virus through a laboratory test conducted by Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) on October 19,” said Dr. Noor Hisham.

He said an investigation found that the area where the victim stayed was near the garbage disposal site, where there were many dogs roaming freely.

Dr. Noor Hisham said the victim had been bitten by her dog in late 2018 and did not seek medical attention at any medical facility, Dr. Noor Hisham said.

The pet roamed freely and mixed with other animals, and had never been given the rabies vaccine, he added.

Dr. Noor Hisham said this animal was eliminated by members of the public following an incident in which the canine had bitten another person.

However, no samples were sent to the Sarawak Department of Veterinary Services to confirm rabies infection in the dog in question, it added.

He said the latest case of human rabies had brought the total number of cases to four in Sarawak this year.

The cumulative number of rabies cases in the state as of Oct. 21 since the Sarawak rabies outbreak was declared on July 31, 2017 was 26 cases, it said.
