276 Covid-19 clusters detected, 125 terminated – Dr. Adham


KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 276 conglomerates have been detected since the Covid-19 pandemic hit the country late last year, of which 151 are still active while another 125 have ended.

Minister of Health Datuk Seri Dr. Adham Baba (pix) said of the 151 active clusters, the Residence Cluster recorded the highest number with 64 clusters.

“This was followed by Workplace Cluster with 63 clusters, Detention Cluster (nine); Cluster of high-risk groups (health personnel and the elderly) (nine); Religious group (other than Seri Petaling Tabligh Cluster) (three) and Import Group (three), ”he said in a written response during the minister’s question time at the Dewan Rakyat sitting here today.

He was responding to a question from Mohd Fasiah Mohd Fakeh (Bersatu-Sabak Bernam), who asked the Minister of Health to indicate the number of Covid-19 clusters in the country, how many have been successfully controlled and how many are still active.

Dr. Adham said the largest group ever reported to the National Crisis Preparedness and Response Center (CPRC) was the Seri Petaling Tabligh Group, which involved 3,375 cases and 42,023 people screened.

“The group’s first case was confirmed on March 11, and the group officially ended on July 8. The index cases were people who attended a religious gathering at the Sri Petaling Mosque and the cause was believed to be an infection imported from Indonesia. ” he said.

Yesterday, 972 new cases of Covid-19 were registered in Malaysia, bringing the total of active cases with infectivity to 11,308 cases. – Called
