20 sen charge for online purchases doesn’t make sense, says DAP


The government says it plans to introduce a 20 sen service charge for online purchases that cost between RM200 and RM1,000.

PETALING JAYA: DAP asked the government the reason for its plan to impose an additional charge for online purchases, saying Putrajaya should clarify the proposed measure.

Its secretary general, Lim Guan Eng, said that the plan to raise funds to improve internet connectivity in rural areas made no sense as the previous Pakatan Harapan (PH) government had allocated RM290 million for the project.

“This recommendation does not make sense when the PH government carried out the objective of improving rural Internet communication within the framework of the National Fiberization and Connectivity Plan (NFCP),” he said today in a statement.

Yesterday, Vice Minister of Communications and Multimedia, Zahidi Zainul Abidin, said that the ministry was planning to introduce a 20 sen service charge for online purchases costing between RM200 and RM1,000.

He said the funds raised will be channeled to help the B40 group and develop communications infrastructure in rural areas.

Lim said DAP opposed the measure as online shoppers were already paying charges for Internet service.

“The reason given by the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia is illogical,” said the former Minister of Finance.

He said the NFCP project was designed to bridge the digital divide between rural and urban areas so that Malaysians enjoy the same level of connectivity.

“Until now, Zahidi or his ministry have refused to give an update on the NFCP. Has the project been stopped? ” I ask.
