190 rescued, 1 killed in ship sinking off Kuala Baram, Miri


Some of the crew members rescued after the maintenance ship Dayang Topaz sank this morning. (Mohd Zubil Mat Som @KPMaritimMsia Twitter pic)

PETALING JAYA: One hundred and ninety crew members were rescued, but one person died after the maintenance ship Dayang Topaz sank in waters off Kuala Baram, Miri, this morning.

The Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC Putrajaya) received a call from a Sapura Construction ship at around 6.45am, reporting a distress signal from Dayang Topaz about 7.7 nautical miles from Kuala Baram.

Malaysian Maritime Control Agency (MMEA) director general Mohd Zubil Mat Som said the Sapura Construction ship was mobilized to identify the exact location of the sinking ship, with 62 crew members still on board while that 124 had abandoned ship and four were missing.

The Dayang Topaz had veered off due to bad weather and crashed into the Banyan oil rig. (Mohd Zubil Mat Som @KPMaritimMsia Twitter pic)

He said three ships and a Maritime Malaysia ship in Miri along with seven ships and ships belonging to Petronas and Shell also mobilized to the site.

“At 9.29 am, the four missing crew members were found near the scene and were taken to the ships involved in this rescue operation,” he said in a statement.

Zubil said that based on initial information, one of the Dayang Topaz’s anchors was suspected to have been cut due to bad weather conditions, causing the ship to lose control and roll off the platform before crashing into the platform. beramB oil company.

The members of the Dayang Topaz crew are brought to safety. (Mohd Zubil Mat Som @KPMaritimMsia Twitter pic)

He said the Siagut and Siakap maritime vessels, as well as 23 other vessels, were monitoring search and rescue operations there.

He said MRCC Putrajaya was working with Petronas, Shell, the Royal Malaysian Air Force, the Fire and Rescue Department, the Brunei National Search Coordination Center and the local fishing community on the operations.
